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The Leading Vertically Integrated B2B F&B Marketplace, where Quality Suppliers can meet Qualified Buyers consistently

Connect with 1500+ F&B Merchants at no cost. Let KoomiMarket support you and your branding.

Invite to the Soft-Launch
Join Now to Enjoy These Perks!

Incur No Cost for 1st Year

Translate these cost-savings to better offers for products to F&B merchants.

Head-Start for Connection

Take the lead to connect with 1500+ F&B merchants.

Priority Access to Premium Tools

Tap into the platform to better manage orders and transactions.

What You'll Like About KoomiMarket

Meet 1500+ Buyers

No more cold calls and emails. Get ready to connect directly.

Exclusive Marketing

Showcase your company, brand and products.

Minimise Bad Debts

Put an end to your worries with multiple payment options for buyers.

Create An Online Presence

Create a digital channel to generate new leads.

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KoomiMarket logo

Established in 2015, Novitee is a Leading F&B Food Services Technology Platform dedicated to uplifting both F&B Merchants and F&B Food Suppliers.

With the success of helping more than 1500+ F&B Merchants in growing their business and streamlining processes with our tech solutions (front-end and back-end), we now want to work with Food Suppliers to achieve that as well.

Supporting more than
Point of Sales (POS) Units
Operating in
More than
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Can Solve Your Challenges!

Suppliers like you actually play an important sustainable role in the food ecosystem but no one understand the challenges you face in providing quality ingredients and products.
Aquiring New Buyers
Creating Online Presence
Managing Bad Debts
Processing Orders
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Not Just a Platform,
A Voice For You!

Share your brand's stories and products with us!

Merchants’ Engagements through our Account Managers
Social Media Marketing, Emailer, Newsletter

Soft-Launch KoomiMarket

Development of the Productive Platform does not end here.

We aim to work closely with suppliers like you throughout this digital transformation and develop the features based on your needs to help in the business operation.

Ready to connect and transact with the 1500+ F&B Merchants?

Invite to the Soft-Launch
June 22
Engagement and Onboarding Supplier Partners
July 22
Marketplace Tour and Marketing Initiative
August 22
KoomiMarket Soft-Launch
September 22 Onwards
Continuous Improvement and Outreach

Our Satisfied F&B Partners

Satisfied Customer Of Novitee
Satisfied Customer Of Novitee

Still have queries about

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Send us a message with this form, or email us at [email protected]